We have been battling some major stress lately...and believe or not, it does not come from having a 3 week old!! It comes from us selling our house...yes you heard me, we are trying to sell our house in today's market and it is not going well.
You can understand why we are trying to get out of our house when you close your eyes and think of the following scenario: Mikah our 3 year old comes out of his room which he shares with his 2 year old sister Feliciti...he tells us that she is bothering him and that he wants to be by himself. Well in our 1200 square foot house, there are not many places that he can go to be alone. So he is just irritated...5 minutes later they start screaming at each other while they are playing with trucks and Madilyn is just down the very short hallway hopefully getting used to this loudness that is her life! My scenario isn't over but I am starting to get a headache! AGAIN!
So back to our stress...the house has been very close to a contract this past week and it fell through...this is one of the most devastating things we have encountered lately...WE MUST HAVE MORE ROOM!!! We have been praying our hearts out and seeking the Lord's will. He has never closed a door during this process so we are hopeful...if you are reading this right now, please have mercy on us and send up a prayer that we can get our house sold soon!
Aww. I love you and I'm praying for you!